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'use strict';
// Consts
var PLUGIN_NAME = 'tog-loadHandlebarTemplate';

var through = require('through2');
var path = require('path');
var togError = require('./togErrors');

module.exports = function (Handlebars, startSearch) {

  if (!Handlebars) {
    throw 'First argument must be an instance of Handlebars';

  if (!startSearch) {
    throw 'Second argument must be a string that is where we will chop the file path to begin a template name. EX: Given this value \'templates\' then the path C:\\foo\\bar\\templates\\head.html -> translates to a template name \'head\'';

  return through.obj(function (file, enc, callback) {

    var contents = '';

    if (file.isBuffer()) {
      contents = file.contents.toString();

    if (file.isStream()) {
      this.emit('error', togError.noStreamSupport(PLUGIN_NAME));
      return callback();

    var templateName = file.path;

    var index = file.path.indexOf(startSearch);

    // var trim the front part of the path off
    // EX: togglejs/lib/siteTemplates/octoport/head.html -> head.html
    templateName = templateName.substr(index + startSearch.length);

    // var trim the extension off
    // EX: head.html -> head
    templateName = templateName.substr(0, templateName.length - path.extname(templateName).length);

    // normalize the slashes to forwardslash
    templateName = templateName.replace(/\\/g, '/');

    // remove the leading slash.
    if (templateName[0] === '/') {
      templateName = templateName.substr(1);

    //console.log('templateName: ', templateName);

    Handlebars.templates = Handlebars.templates || {};
    Handlebars.templates[templateName] = Handlebars.compile(contents);

    return callback();