Fork Me


'use strict';
var reportError = require('../util/reportError');
var log = require('../../lib/util/log.js');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var moment = require('moment');

module.exports = function (program, env) {
  var config = env.toggleConfig;

    .command('post <title>')
    .description('create a new post')
    .option('-t, --template <templateName>', 'Which template to use?')
    .action(function (title, options) {

      title = title || '';

      if (!title) {
        reportError('post title is required. EX: > tog post \'So, one day...\'');

      var template = options.template || 'post';

      log('Using template ' + template);

      var templatePath = config.templates[template];
      if (!templatePath || !fs.existsSync(templatePath)) {
        reportError('Cannot find template defined in config under { templates[' + template + '] = ' + templatePath + ' }.');

      var postsOutput = config.paths.posts;
      if (!postsOutput || !fs.existsSync(postsOutput)) {
        reportError('Cannot find directory config {\n  paths: { \n    posts: \'' + postsOutput + '\' <-- unknown directory? \n  } \n}');

      var posts = config.posts || {};
      var fileNameFormat = posts.fileNameFormat || (moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD') + '-{{title}}');
      var fileExtension = posts.extension || '.md';

      // lower cases and replaces special characters with a dash
      var fileSafeTitleName = title.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '-').toLowerCase();
      var postFileName = fileNameFormat.replace('{{title}}', fileSafeTitleName) + fileExtension;

      var postTemplate = fs.readFileSync(templatePath).toString();
      postTemplate = postTemplate.replace(/{{title}}/g, title);
      postTemplate = postTemplate.replace(/{{date}}/g, new Date().toISOString());

      var outPath = path.join(postsOutput, postFileName);
      log('New post at: ' + outPath);

      fs.writeFileSync(outPath, postTemplate);

      // try to handle an after post created command
      // TODO: this doesn't correclty spawn - as it leaves our
      // command stuck waiting for process to complete?
      if (posts.afterPostCreated && posts.afterPostCreated.command) {
        var childProcess = require('child_process');
        var spawn = childProcess.spawn;
        var exe = posts.afterPostCreated.command;
        var args = posts.afterPostCreated.args;

        if (!Array.isArray(args)) {
          args = [args];

        args = (arg) {
          return (arg || '').replace(/{{newPostFileName}}/g, outPath);

        var ps = spawn(exe, args, {
          detached: true

        ps.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
          console.log('reporter stdout: ' + data);

        ps.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
          console.log('reporter stderr: ' + data);