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The description toggle/gulp plugin can be used to generate the description used in an RSS feed.

It looks at the vinyl file and
if the file.togMetadata.description property is missing, will take
the contents, strip any html, and set the file.togMetadata.description
to the first 150 characters of the file contents.

If the contents are longer than 150 characters it trims after that
point and appends an ellipsis ... to the end.

gulpfile.js usage:

var tog = require("toggle");

module.exports = function (replaceTokens) {
  var through = require('through2');
  var striphtml = require('js-striphtml');
  var togError = require('./togErrors');

  replaceTokens = replaceTokens || [];


  return through.obj(function (file, enc, callback) {

    var contents;
    var description = '';

    if (file.togMetadata && !file.togMetadata.description) {

      if (file.isBuffer()) {
        contents = file.contents.toString();

      if (file.isStream()) {
        this.emit('error', togError.noStreamSupport(PLUGIN_NAME));
        return callback();

      // if there isn't already a description - let's pull the first 'paragraph' from the contents.
      if (contents) {

        contents = striphtml.stripTags('<h1></h1>' + contents || '', [

don't allow any tags here

) || '';
        //console.log('contents 1:', contents);
        replaceTokens.forEach(function (token) {
          var regex = new RegExp(token, ['g']);
          contents = contents.replace(regex, '');
        //console.log('contents 2:', contents);

        var lines = contents
          .replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')
          .filter(function (line) {
            return !!(line || '').trim();
          .splice(0, 5);

        //console.log('lines:', lines);
        if (lines.length) {
          description = (lines[0] || '').substr(0, 150);
          if (description.length === 150) {
            description += '...';

      file.togMetadata.description = description;

    return callback();