Fork Me


'use strict';
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('node-fs');
var log = require('../../lib/util/log.js');
var reportError = require('../util/reportError');
var gulp = require('gulp');
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
var Q = require('q');

function system(cmd) {
  var deferred = Q.defer();
  log('system: ' + cmd);
  exec(cmd, function (error, stdout, stderr) {

    if ((stdout || '').indexOf('nothing to commit, working directory clean') >= 0) {
      error = null;

    if ((stderr || '').indexOf('remote origin already exists') >= 0) {
      error = null;
    if ((stderr || '').indexOf('Couldn\'t find remote ref master') >= 0) {
      error = null;
    if ((stderr || '').indexOf('ambiguous argument \'origin/master\': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.') >= 0) {
      error = null;
    if ((stderr || '').indexOf('pathspec \'\' did not match any files') >= 0) {
      error = null;

    if (error) {
      deferred.reject(new Error(error));
    } else {

  return deferred.promise;

module.exports = function (program, env) {

   * TODO: document what env has that may be useful to a plugin develoepr.
   * toggle leverages for it's commands
   * You can review it's API to extend toggle with your own commands.

    .description('TODO: fill in command description')
    .option('-p, --nopush', 'Do everything except push to the remote')
    .option('-c, --nocommit', 'Do everything except commit & push to the remote')
    .action(function (options) {

      var nocommit = options.nocommit;
      var nopush = options.nopush || nocommit;

      var deployDir = path.resolve(env.toggleConfig.paths.deploy);
      var sourceDir = env.toggleConfig.paths.source;
      var deployType = env.toggleConfig.deployType;
      var deployGit = env.toggleConfig.deployGitUrl;

      if (deployType === 'githubpages') {

        // var returnError = function () {
        //     process.chdir(cwd);
        // };

        var copyFiles = function () {
          var deferred = Q.defer();

          gulp.src(path.join(sourceDir, '**/*'))
            .on('error', function (error) {
              deferred.reject(new Error(error));
            .on('end', function () {

          return deferred.promise;

        // setup deploy folder.
        if (!fs.existsSync(deployDir)) {
          log('Deploy directory [' + deployDir + '] did not exist. Creating it...');
          fs.mkdirSync(deployDir, parseInt(777, 8), true);

        var cwd = process.cwd();

        // setup git.
        var promise;
        if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(deployDir, '.git'))) {
          promise = system('git init');
        } else {
          promise = Q.resolve();

          .then(function () {
            return system('git remote add origin ' + deployGit);
          }).then(function () {
            return system('git fetch origin');
          }).then(function () {
            return system('git reset origin/master --hard');
          }).then(function () {
            return system('git rm --cached -r .');
          }).then(function () {
            return system('git clean -fd');
          }).then(function () {
            return copyFiles();
          }).then(function () {
            return system('git add -A');
          }).then(function () {
            if (nocommit) {
              return Q.resolve();
            return system('git commit -m \'Updated site: ' + (new Date()).toUTCString() + '\'');
          }).then(function () {
            if (nopush) {
              return Q.resolve();
            return system('git push origin master');
          }).then(function () {
          }).fail(function (error) {

      } else {
        throw 'Unknown deploy type [' + deployType + ']';